Sunday, January 27, 2008

The girl 'n Me : 3/52

Sorry for the watermark. I dont do it to protect me. but to protect the girl. and it falls wherever. I just try for it not to ruin the photo too much

So today.. well yesterday.. I had planned a valentine photoshoot.. but she was sick.. plus i forgot my big memory cards at home (yes, all THREE of them)
I just took this week's photo.
Funny thing though. the girl is so used to me taking her photo that I was near where we take photos usually, I say "cloé, can you please come here one second?" she said "ooh we'll take photos?" and immediately took the chair (sp?) to put here where i do usually. I had to explain that no, no picture of her alone today, just some of both of us. she asked why no more photos a few time. go explain to a 3 years old that you have a card that can only have 10 photos in insead of the others where I can take up to like 2000 photos if i want to.
So I got there at 9h30. K and her mom went shopping. we watched tv, played, took today's photos.
they came back at 1. we ate pizza. then we watched sme more tv. K and her mom when to the lutin. her mom came back then had to run again. so we read stories with Cloé. she slept from 3-5 I think. Their mom was late so she called to see if i could pick K up. So here we went with C who got up 2 minutes ago. I tell her "hurry up girl we're gonna pick your sister up!" and she said "ooh I'm happy we're gonna pick my sister" ( Ahh je suis bien contente qu'on ait chercher Kassandra) [I'm sure i'll scrap this someday. gotta remember what she said exactly.. that was too cute! lol]
K had fun at the Lutins. she said she'll go back next week.

Anyways, today's photos =)
they're kinda boring. once i get my remote camera in late february I hope they'll be more creative !

Us "Normal"

"show your tong REALLY big Cloé !"

"Smile HARD girl!"

"pretty please, hug me hard" I didnt realise then but later that day I was grateful for that biiig hug because I had a bad, bad night

another Hug Photo. kind of missed us. but i love, love, love this. precious little girl that she is too.

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